Minding My Faith

Ready to take your life and faith to the next level but don’t know where to start?

Why I’m Minding My Faith

I’m Tepheret! I am a wife, a mother, a writer, a speaker and a strong believer that everything you see manifested in your life is a direct result of your thoughts, words, and perception. Born and raised in New York, but currently residing in Connecticut with my husband and two kids. (one boy & one girl, sorry in advance because you will hear lots about them LOL)
- Tepheret

Why I’m Minding My Faith

I believe that everyone deserves to be happy, have peace in their lives and most importantly find fulfillment by walking in their purpose.

This may seem obvious to some but I think it’s really important to address this right up front. YOU WERE CREATED WITH A PURPOSE, FOR A PURPOSE! However, sometimes that purpose is hard to find, and even harder to step into. I’ve talked to so many people who want to do better, who look at the life they are currently living and know that there is more for them. The thing is, although we all deserve this life or walking in purpose and we all were created to, it’s not something that just falls in our laps. Life happens to all of us, and whether you’ve stumbled across one of my videos or heard about me through a friend, just know that my main focus is always to help people to see how their faith, thoughts and words truly create their lives. I’ve learned that if I mind my faith God minds everything else. But minding your faith isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

Adopting new mindsets, creating new habits and shifting your perspective will help you grow your faith, find your purpose and step into it!


They say happiness isn’t a destination but a journey. So when I say meet me there, I’m really saying take the journey with me, learn with me, and grow with me.

The journey starts by taking the first step in faith. 

Start the journey now.

How Can I Help You Mind your Faith?
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The Kingdom Chats PODCAST.


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All I wanted was to sell 8000 copies of my book “Okay God, But How”. It was this number I came up with in my head that would make me feel like it was a success…

Then my brother flipped my whole perspective when he said this.

“What if I asked you how many people you want your book to help, do you only want to help 8000 people?”

Whew!!! That one question changed everything because the truth is, I didn’t write this book for me to be successful, I wrote it because God told me people needed it.

He showed me the hearts of so many people crying out because they haven’t found their purpose, or they know what they were created to do but haven’t figured out HOW to do it.

So many times people say they’re asking God these questions and they don’t hear from Him, But God heard you.

If you’ve ever cried out to God about what you were created for, if you ever felt stuck, if you ever felt like you knew there was more out there for you but didn’t know how to get to it - This is for you.

God heard. God answered ❤️

There is no limit on the amount of people I want to help through this book- I want us all to step in to our divine purpose 🙏🏾

Order your copy of “Okay God, But How” (🔗in bio) and let’s grow together ❤️❤️

One of the hardest places to be is in transition. Not where you used to be but not quite where you’re going.

It’s easy to feel stuck or to feel like you’re moving in place, working hard but getting no where.

The scripture tells us that God has ordered our steps and my prayer for you is that you learn to trust that order.

I know the path feels lonely and frustrating sometimes but you are never walking it alone ❤️🙏🏾

Share this with someone who may need this reminder and follow @xo_teph for daily faith filled encouragement ✨

PS- My book “Okay God, But How?” Is available NOW. Next 20 orders come with extra bonus devotionals and guides (check the 🔗 in bio) ❤️

You are not behind, you are not in a rush! Your steps are ordered but you have to trust‼️

Here’s the thing, God knows the end in the beginning He is the best one equipped to direct us in the middle.

Some of what we are calling delays and set backs are really just Gods timing being put in effect.

Sometimes He is still preparing us and sometimes He is preparing what He has for us, but either way you have to trust in His divine timing ❤️🙏🏾

I talk about this in the last episode of the podcast “Kingdom Chats” go check it out on your favorite streaming app and make sure you’re following @xo_teph for daily encouragement

“…The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong… ” - Ecclesiastes 9:11

While every one’s been talking about the Drake vs Kendrick battle I just won the biggest battle of the year…

Me Vs Me

Honestly, that’s been a battle for many years. When God gave me this book to write in 2019 at the #WomanEvolve conference, I don’t know if it was pure ignorance or just the high I was on from being poured in to so heavily at the conference but BABYYYY!!! I was not ready for what was to come.

Who knew that when God gives you a vision it’s going to have some battles attached to it?!?!

The last few years have been a battle, battling that inner voice that kept telling me to stop, to quit, to give up and to give in. The one telling me it’s not worth it, it’s not needed, and no one will miss it. The one that was telling me to just stay in the corner and cry, the voice that told me I’m not even a writer….

I know now that I needed to fight that voice, I needed to stand in those battles so that I could gain the tools, the strategy and the revelation to be able to write this book.

To be able to answer the question that I know so many of us have said to God….

Okay God, But How?

If you’ve ever felt like you wanted to step in to what God was calling you to do but just didn’t know How, or where to start - this is for you ❤️

Available NOW ( 🔗 in you know where 😜)

PS. Who would’ve thought I’d be an author?!?! Not me, little Teph, I hope I’m making you proud 🥰

Raise your hand if every time you try to level up your life it seems like the problems start stacking up 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️

I know you’ve probably heard the preachers say it before “ the greater the purpose, the greater the attacks” but let me tell you one of the biggest tricks of the enemy.

He uses your exhaustion against your purpose. He knows if he can get you fighting the wrong thing that when it comes to the divine obstacles in your life you won’t have the energy to stand up to them.

I talk about this and in my book OKAY GOD BUT HOW? And teach you how to identify the battles you should be fighting and how, but also the battles that are not yours to fight.

Comment READY if you want the blueprint on how to navigate your faith and overcome those obstacles ❤️🙏🏾

Here ⤵️ Are 3 things you need to know while you’re in a season of suffering

✨ it won’t last forever, I know when you’re in the middle of it, it feels like it is never ending but trust me when I say there is something on the other side of the suffering.

✨ When you get on the other side of this thing what God has for you will make this time not even worth comparing

✨ Your pain owes you and God will make it pay up if you let Him! If you let Him he will show you how to transform it in to something beautiful ❤️

I’m not telling you this because I read it, I’m telling you this because I lived it. Thank God I don’t look like what I’ve been through (go check my second pinned video for a little evidence 🙏🏾)

Long story short, if you don’t give up- you win ❤️

Drop me a comment and make sure you’re following @xo_teph for daily faith filled encouragement 🙏🏾

I know not many will admit to feeling like God has let them down or that He isn’t giving them what they need.

But I’d be lying if I said I never felt like I was lacking in an area or two. How is it that a God that has unlimited resources could let me go without?

It took me a while to realize that I was never lacking, but I wasn’t tapping in. It’s like having a million dollars in the bank but not knowing the access code to the safe.

It’s there. It’s yours, but you don’t have access. So then the question becomes How do I tap in to the access that I’ve been given?

Prayer gives you access. Praise gives you access. Gratitude gives you access.

But what happens when you’ve gone with out for so long is you start to feel desperate, and you start to be tempted to turn something in to something it’s not. To settle for less than Gods best for you.

I talk about how to tap into your access and give you more strategies the enemy tries to use against you in my new book “OKAY GOD, BUT HOW”

Type Amen if you’re ready to learn his strategies so you can overcome his attempts to knock you off your purpose‼️

The number one question I hear people ask about their purpose is HOW do I find it.

And the second most common question I get after is HOW do I get from where I’m at to where I know I’m supposed to be.

In my book “OKAY GOD, BUT HOW” I answer BOTH‼️

There’s such a thing as good success and I want to help you get to it. Let this be the year that you step into exactly who you were created to be ❤️

Available Now on Amazon or 🔗 in bio 🙏🏾